How can whisky shows be more inclusive for women?

Women enjoying whisky at a whisky show

The first in our new series of panel discussions saw whisky and beer show organisers explore how they can create safer, more welcoming spaces for all guests.

Whisky shows and festivals are a fantastic place for consumers to discover new bottles and meet like-minded people, and for brands to get noticed by new fans.

However they can also represent a challenging environment for women, with regular anecdotal evidence of female exhibitors being overlooked by guests in favour of their male colleagues, singled out by disgruntled customers, tested on their knowledge or exposed to misogynistic and inappropriate behaviour.

With whisky festival season upon us, this one-hour discussion explored how organisers can ensure personal safety at their events and tackle outdated attitudes toward female whisky professionals. 

Prospective solutions raised during the discussion include displaying and enforcing effective codes of conduct, supplying bystander training for staff and exhibitors and ensuring diversity among show speakers, among others.

Our panelists include:
• Millie Milliken, head of content for the OurWhisky Foundation (host)
• Amanda Ludlow, co-founder of The Whisky Lounge
• Dawn Davies, organiser of the Whisky Show
• Frances Antonio-Martineau, founder of FemAle Brew Fest


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