OurWhisky Foundation partners with bars for Lucky Dip fundraiser

OurWhisky Foundation Lucky Dip

The OurWhisky Foundation has partnered with two renowned whisky bars to launch its new Lucky Dip fundraising initiative.

The non-profit has already partnered with bars Dram in London and Cut Your Wolf Loose in Brighton to launch the new initiative which encourages consumers to donate to the Foundation by dunking for a mystery dram.

For £10 or less, whisky enthusiasts and newcomers alike can dip for one of several secret 30cl bottles, the contents of which will be revealed to them once they’ve picked it out of the Lucky Dip box.

With stock donated from the OurWhisky Foundation team and the bars themselves, the whiskies will range in both value and style. Brand ambassadors are also encouraged to donate special stock they may want to get in front of consumers.

Becky Paskin, founder of the OurWhisky Foundation, said: “We’re thrilled to be working alongside Dram and Cut Your Wolf Loose as our first partner bars for this exciting Lucky Dip initiative. The funds raised will hep us deliver initiatives that support women working in the whisky industry, making it a more inclusive space for all. It’s our hope that OWF Lucky Dip boxes will soon appear in whisky bars all over the world.”

The participating bars are generously passing 100% of the proceeds from the Lucky Dip boxes directly to the OurWhisky Foundation.

Simo Simpson, co-founder of Dram, said: “Making whisky inclusive is something that’s very close to my heart, so we’ve long been a huge fan of the OurWhisky Foundation and the changes they are driving within the industry. It was a no-brainer to partner with them and support the incredible work they’re doing.”

Proceeds from the OurWhiskyFoundation Lucky Dip will go towards funding our numerous initiatives that support, empower and recognise women working in the global whisky industry.

If you’re a bar and would like to participate, please get in touch here.

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